2024-2025 lineup announced from the quintessence of quirk theatre
(press release)
Denver’s Buntport Theatre announced its new season this week. In November they will open Eyes Up, Mouth Agape, a ridiculous comedy about a true but very atypical situation, developed in collaboration with Boulder’s square product theatre and featuring square’s Artistic Director, Emily K. Harrison. The show “celebrates” the 20-year anniversary of a strange pop culture event and is told through the lens of a fictional documentarian interviewing the key players and an innocent bystander, all of whom are large inanimate objects. It plays November 1-23.
The following March, Buntport will debut another new collaboration, this time with Regan Linton (former artistic director of Phamaly Theatre Company). The Menagerist, a satirical reimagining of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, will center the storytelling on Laura, played by Linton. The Menagerist will position Laura as the ringleader of her own “memory play,” with agency to create a story from her point of view to disrupt the traditional expectations audiences have historically been fed for disability-related stories.
It plays March 7-29. This production made possible, in part, by the Foundation for Systemic Change.
The Book Handlers, a Buntport favorite last seen on the stage in 2018, will round out the season. Based on a short story by Brian O’Nolan (aka Flann O’Brien, Myles na Gopaleen, etc), The Book Handlers is a satire about anti-intellectualism. Join John, Connie Diane, Linda, and Jard as they pass their time by making other people look well-read.
Winner of “Best New Work” from the Westword and “Outstanding Actress in a Play” from the CTG Henry Awards, it returns to the stage June 13-29.
In addition to these three shows, Buntport will continue its ongoing programming, including The Great Debate, The Enthusiasts, buntporTED talks, and co- producing the award-winning live storytelling show/podcast The Narrators. The space will also host a variety of performances by other local companies including Grapefruit Lab and The Agenda Theatre Co.
Buntport Theater Company is, as always, committed to creating new, odd work in Denver at affordable prices. In fact, all Buntport programming is available on a name-your-price basis. Live entertainment should not be considered a luxury that only some can afford.
Tickets and info at Buntport.com
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