Jessica Hindsley

In this episode of the OnStage Colorado podcast, host Alex Miller cathes up with Kenny Moten and Jessica Hindsley, the creative team behind The Bright lights of Denver. It’s a fictional podcast that takes a true-crime  story set in Denver and add some interactive elements via social media and even some live Q&A’s over Zoom and QR code stickers spread around the city.

The Bright Lights of Denver is a production of the Denver Center’s Off-Center program, which is led by Charlie Miller and is always focused on new ways to present theatre outside the traditional actors-on-stage model.

Kenny Moten

Kenny and Jessica have been collaborators for more than a decade and, in addition to getting all the details on the podcast, we also talk about the changing face of theatre and the need for many theatre artists need to diversify what they do to maintain an income  they can live on.

I also asked Kenny and Jessica about how they got into theatre and what’s up for them next.

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