‘In Her Bones’ a profound, bittersweet Colorado story
Jessica Kahkoska’s play has its world premiere at the Springs Fine Arts Center
Baffled by opera? ‘She Dies’ is for you
Power trio from Millibo Art Theatre roasts well-known works in a hilarious romp
A dynamic duo shines in multi-lingual comedy from Theatreworks
At the Ent Center, Lloyd Suh’s ‘The Heart Sellers’ digs into the Asian American experience
Millibo’s ‘Yule Be Naughty’ cabaret returns in fine form
The long-running show is refreshed anew for a fun night out
It’s an undersea spectacle with FAC’s ‘The Little Mermaid’
Akasha Grace and Anne Terze-Schwarz lead a top flight cast in Colorado Springs
Family-packed ‘Mary Poppins’ flies into Florence
Rooted Gypsy Repertoire production is community theatre at its best
It’s nut warfare with ‘The Squirrels’
Rival rodents mirror sinister humans in excellent Westcliffe production of Robert Askins’ comedy
Theatreworks’ ‘Henry’ lights up the Ent Center
Combining three of Shakespeare’s plays into one makes these histories come alive
Fine Arts Center kicks off new season in style with ‘Dial M for Murder’
It’s hard to find any faults with this polished production in Colorado Springs
Oddly comic ‘Smudge’ is a heavy but worthwhile lift
Springs Ensemble Theatre scores with production of Rachel Axler’s dark comedy
‘Emperor of the Moon’ is an al fresco romp in the Springs
Off-the-wall Theatreworks production of a 1687 play is an unexpected delight
A bawdy hoot: ‘Four Old Broads’ in the Springs
Funky Little Theatre serves up a humdinger from the old folks’ home