How to advertise on the OnStage Colorado website
Performing arts classes
Performing arts classes in Colorado
How to enter your shows with OnStage Colorado
How theaters can enter their calendar listing on the OnStage Colorado website
Interested in advertising on OnStage We can help get the word out about your upcoming productions at a price your theater can afford. Advertise on our website OR [...]
How to add an event to our calendar
To add an event to the OnStage Colorado calendar, click this link and follow the prompts. Check out the short video below if you need a little more explanation. [...]
Nefarious doings inside a NYC freak show as The Phantom returns
‘Love Never Dies’ picks up where ‘Phantom’ left off […]
Tribute concert to Deb Note-Farwell set for Oct. 27
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong in an Evening of Song, History, & Anecdotes Bas Bleu Theatre in Fort Collins will hold a memorial concert for longtime company member Deb-Note Farwell. [...]
Sopris Theatre Company brings ‘When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?’ to CMC Spring Valley
Sopris Theatre Company at Colorado Mountain College will present “When You Comin’ Back, Red Ryder?”, a drama right in line with the Halloween season, by Mark Medoff, at CMC Spring [...]
Avant-garde puppet show lands at Fort Collins’ Bas Bleu Theatre
What happens when you procrastinate with laundry? What do you wish for when you catch a magical golden fish? How did the Horsetooth Rock obtain its unique shape? Local puppetmaster [...]