An impoverished country. Political upheaval. A traveler, sick and alone in his hotel room, without electricity; only a candle for company. His fever dream is a panorama of his connection to everyone and everything in the world — and the intractable suffering and want that lies beneath the ease and pleasantness of his existence. A relentless and ridiculous depiction of the dark night of the soul that might await any one of us, The Fever lays bare the conflict between our perception of ourselves as kind, decent, basically good, and understanding the hidden costs of our comfort.

Written by iconic actor and playwright Wallace Shawn, directed by Colorado Springs theatre community stalwart Alysabeth Clements Mosley, and performed by Counterweight’s artistic director Ethan Everhart, The Fever might worm its way into your consciousness deeply enough that you may not be able to forget what you’ve realized.

Performed at and in partnership with Boucher Art & Stage (328 N Nevada Ave). Refreshments will be provided!

After the performances on Saturday, May 11 and Saturday, May 25, there will be a moderated post-show discussion with complimentary drinks.