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Theatre SilCo
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- Theatre SilCo
*Note: Theatre SilCo was formerly known as the Lake Dillon Theatre Co. The name change took place in January, 2023. Read about the change here. Incorporated March 10, 1993, the Lake Dillon Theatre Company (LDTC) was founded to raise funds for a capital expansion project for the Lake Dillon Amphitheater and subsequently produce a free summer concert series now known as the Sunset at the Summit Concert Series. After a successful capital campaign, the organization expanded to include a chamber concert series, a youth educational series now called the Youth Theatre Workshop, and an amateur theater company now operating as a professional, regional theatre.
Read the OnStage Colorado story about the new Lake Dillon Theatre facilityIn 1995, the LDTC moved into an historic building built in 1899 that once served as Dillon Town Hall. The LDTC added a lobby, a workshop, and lighting booth. In 2002, the LDTC hired its first full-time employee, an Artistic/Executive Director. Fundraising efforts in 2003 enabled the company to expand its lobby and lighting booth, upgrade audience bathroom facilities, and add office space, a dressing room and a green room.In the last decade, the LDTC has grown from a seasonal community theatre to a financially and artistically successful year-round professional theatre company. The LDTC season pass holder and donor bases increased almost 500% from 2006 to 2014. Through ongoing partnerships with The Summit Foundation, the LDTC is the most visible and patronized year round arts organization in Summit County.In recent years, the LDTC has experienced strategic, steady growth. Total earned revenues and contributions have grown from $457,759 in 2008 to $1,090,743 in 2014. Year-round staff has expanded from one and a half in 2008 to a full time staff of nine in 2015, including an Executive Director position created in 2010 and a Director of Development position created in 2012.In 2012, the Board of Directors and senior staff drafted a strategic plan outlined several goals including increased community programming, increased financial stability, and eventual expansion into a larger location. Since then, the organization has worked diligently to implement the goals outlined in the strategic plan.Today, the LDTC has achieved a 19-member Board of Directors, a full-time staff of nine, an enthusiastic volunteer base, and a growing season pass holder base. Since January 2016, more than 1700 new patron contacts have been added to our patron list. Most importantly, our community of donors has demonstrated its enthusiasm through the continued contributed support of our programs and operations. Finally, the LDTC is successfully implementing simultaneous fundraising and design phases of a capital campaign aimed at completion in spring 2017.(From LDTC website)
Events at this venue
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]
Steel Magnolias
Theatre SilCo 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, COTruvy’s salon in Chinquapin, Louisiana is THE place for a [...]