Benchmark Theatre announces the line up of playwrights and artists for their second annual Fever Dream Festival. A celebration of science fiction, fantasy, horror and all genres in between, the Festival is a performance series of readings of innovative plays with chimerical themes.

The Festival opens Friday, October 19th and runs two weekends with sessions Friday nights at 8pm, Saturday afternoons at 3pm and evenings at 8pm and Sunday, Oct. 21st at 3pm with the final performance on Sunday, Oct. 28th at 1pm. Tickets are $10-$15 per individual session or an all-inclusive Festival Pass to all 6 sessions for $60. Please visit for more information and to purchase tickets and send any inquiries to The Festival will take place at The Bench at 40West located at 1560 Teller Street in Lakewood, Colorado.

Benchmark is producing 15 plays including 6 full lengths, 3 one acts and 6 10-minute shorts in the performance reading format:

A Sense of Wonder by Ilana Lydia
Chance by D.J. Sylvis
Civil by Rob Matsushita
Cora by Katherine Varga
Every Seven Minutes by Ken Preuss
Fading Fast by Colette Mazunik*
The Greyson Variations by Nelson Clark
Home by Ellen K. Graham*
I Love An Earthling by Rex McGregor
Launch Day by Michael Higgins
Mars To Stay by Alex Landers
Rations by Luke Sorge*
Sadie Hurtz by Joshua Fardon
Quantum Entanglement by Robin Pond
Welcome To Good Intentions by John Christopher Wolter*
{*Colorado playwright}

The directors include company members Rachel Rogers, Marc Stith and Neil Truglio as well as Charity Dorrance, Adrian Egolf, Julie Rada, Tara Wolfe. Katie Espinoza will stage manage the Festival.

The ensemble of actors include Antonio Amadeo, Katherine Amadeo, Abby Apple Boes, MacKenzie Beyer, Sean Michael Cummings, Tresha Farris, Jason Garner, Damon Guerrasio, Erica Lee Johnson, Chas Lederer, Wade Livingston, Kate Poling, Ryan Omar Stack, Maggie Tisdale, Jason Valenzuela and Cameron Varner.

 Tickets: $10 – $15 per session or all 6 sessions for a $60 Festival Pass.

About Benchmark Theatre

Benchmark Theatre is a professional company of artists who nurture and elevate each other, their audiences, and the community with principles of mutual respect, humanity, and the need for generating exceptional productions. The mission of Benchmark Theatre is to connect with audiences through thought-provoking productions in an entertaining environment. They strive to stimulate conversations about the universal human experience, nourish the imaginative spirit of their community, and support programs that nurture young artists and audiences. The company launched its first season in 2017 with the regional premiere of Jennifer Haley’s The Nether.

For more information visit