Steel Magnolias was written by Robert Harling in memory of his sister, Susan, and is based on her journey in life. The play is set in Louisiana in the 1980’s and takes place in a beauty salon converted from a car port attached to Truvy and her husband’s home. Truvy has built a clientele of small-town regulars and it is the telling of their stories that is the nexus of the play. Each woman has a story to unwrap which includes the place each has in the lives of the others. A wide-ranging collection of themes in the play includes the promise of youth, the regrets and struggles of advancing age, the eccentricities of people one might know too well, and the joys, celebrations, sorrows and tragedies of life both large and small. The strong bond among these women will draw you in and you will leave the theatre feeling you have six new friends. Director, Jo Ramsey, says, “The title evokes thoughts of the beauty and slower pace of southern life, especially southern women, who may appear to be delicate flowers but have the toughness and steely resolve you only begin to understand when you sit and listen for a while maybe on a front porch or maybe in a beauty salon.” While set in 1987, Steel Magnolias remains as relevant, poignant and powerful as it ever was. This show is one not to miss!