School of Rock
Get ready to rock out with the Arts Hub Players as they present the high-energy, feel-good musical School of Rock! This electrifying show promises to be an unforgettable experience for [...]
Head over Heels: The Musical
Get ready to groove with Head Over Heels, the electrifying jukebox musical set to the music of the iconic all-female rock band, The Go-Go’s! This hilarious and heartwarming show is [...]
Holidazed & Confused
Join us for our 5th annual Holidazed & Confused show. A play festival with six different short performances inspired by the holiday spirit. A portion of the proceeds will be [...]
Twilight Zone Parody
Directed by Ian Gerber, Madge Montgomery, and Hannah Richards Theater Company of Lafayette will be performing another installment of our ever-popular Twilight Zone parody. This time we are honoring the [...]
The Prom
“The Prom” follows the story of Emma Nolan, a high school student in a small Indiana town who just wants to take her girlfriend to the prom. When the [...]
TRANSformative Sories – Lafayette
Motus Theater presents TRANSformative Stories, featuring transgender and non-binary leaders performing artfully crafted personal stories about their hopes, dreams, and experiences of negotiating oppression and liberation with live musical [...]
A fresh take on ‘The Vagina Monologues’
Theater Company of Lafayette does justice to Eve Ensler’s ever-popular play
The Vagina Monologues
"The Vagina Monologues honors female sexuality in all its complexity and mystery. Witty and irreverent, compassionate and wise, this award-winning masterpiece gives voice to real women’s deepest fantasies and [...]
At the height of the AIDS crisis, a group of modern-day bohemians struggles to survive in New York City in this poignant Pulitzer-winning show that re-defined what a musical could be and became the anthem of a generation.
The Misanthrope
In a world of social media and posts about how good life is, Alceste insists on speaking the ugly truth to people. This complicates his relationship with the beautiful and [...]
Lafayette Arts HUB welcomes new executive director
Andrew Krimm will take over from Melissa McGowan
Action-heavy ‘SNAKE!’ creeps out the crowd at Theater Company of Lafayette
New play by Colorado playwright Paul Wells a bit frenetic but overall delivers the scares